ChainCode Consulting

NFTs are the future of ownership

Already disrupting the creator economy, NFTs are a key formative future force that everyone's after
These new forms of digital currency are unique and have the potential to become a critical formative force for many future innovations

Smart contracts/dApps are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement written into lines of code.

They are an integral part of blockchain technology, enabling secure and efficient transactions without the need for intermediaries. At ChainCode Consulting, we understand the importance of smart contracts in ensuring the security & transparency of blockchain transactions.

Our smart contract development and audit services cater to businesses looking for a reliable and secure way to execute transactions without any hiccups.

Future with NFT

Shattering boundaries as Collectibles in the industries like Digital arts, Music, Gaming, finance, art and medicine, NFTs are reinventing Enterprises as we speak! These tokens enable artists to offer their work digitally without involving a traditional middleman. It allows them to receive royalties on secondary sales of their work. More and more organizations are recognizing the limitless possibilities of NFTs in saving money, ridding bottlenecks, and connecting with their consumer more transparently. A common way to use NFTs is by providing exclusive access to live. In-person events. They have inherent proof of ownership, so you'll never have to worry about forgeries or digital theft.


NFT smart


DeFi smart contract


smart contracts


smart contracts

Benefits of using NFT

We’re home to the world’s leading developers and are equipped to provide you scalable and high-performance NFT Development Services in building NFT marketplaces that feature trust, scalability, security, and interactive user experiences.

If you are still waiting to dive into its enormous potential, you've got to do it now!


How? We’re glad you asked!

Product Collection- The real-time product will be collected and deployed on NFT in the marketplace.

Storing and decentralizing the product to reduce redundancy and maintain its authenticity.

A non-custodial crypto wallet will be built that will allow you to control your funds. With this type of wallet, there is no third-party involvement.

NFT that is created will be listed on your marketplace under your account; the asset can be minted by adding it to your collection and can be started listing, marketing and selling it.

Our team provides consulting to create the perfect enterprise solution for your business. Our specialists will train your team members on using the NFT environment so that they can use it without any need for outside assistance at work.

Our enterprise blockchain advisors will take you through the benefits and how it would work for your business. Our team can address all your questions and provide a full demo.


Supply Chain










Real Estate

Case Studies


ASRA Ventures is a metaverse supported Immutable X NFT innovation creating a diverse real estate marketplace. With several state-of-the-art integrations and strategic planning, ASRA CITY is set to position itself as a leading virtual real estate company centering utility.


We have a team of experts who have successfully developed NFTs and all the necessary skills to offer you a great experience.

Contact us now, and we'll get started on your project!

Our Tech Stack








Solana AI


Unreal Engine






NFTs or Non Fungible Tokens are unique tokens with metadata and bear an identification code that distinguishes them from other tokens.

There is no fixed budget for NFT development. The cost to create unique digital collectibles depends on your business requirements. Generally, it varies based on the type of asset, use cases, the blockchain network, and the gas fees.

Cryptocurrency and DeFi tokens are fungible because they are divisible and can be easily exchanged. However, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are different because they are unique, non-interchangeable, and indivisible. Fungible tokens are based on the ERC-20 standard while NFTs operate on the ERC-721 standard.

The value of an NFT relies on several factors like the uniqueness of the digital asset, rarity, extent of scarcity, the popularity of the artist, and the floor price of the collectible.

There is no “one size fits all” approach for developing NFTs. Anyone with a core audience and a significant following can launch NFTs. Our NFT development services are apt for creators across genres, public personalities, national and international brands spanning industries, and influencers.

Yes, our NFT marketplace development services enable the hassle-free buying and selling of digital collectibles. Creators can directly connect with potential collectors in our blockchain-powered trading platform. They just need to possess cryptocurrency and hold a digital wallet for executing the trade successfully

Like What You See?

The world is leaping ahead, are you going to follow or LEAD?

Become a part of the global revolution and welcome the future of business with our brilliant solutions to make your business more transparent and sustainable. Talk to us now and let the acceleration begin!

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