ChainCode Consulting

DeCARB's Blockchain & DAO
Revolutionize Carbon Credits and
Climate Change Fight

The world is facing a very critical and time sensitive crisis the release of toxic substances and gases like carbon dioxide and methane into the environment by industries. These gases contribute to climate change by trapping solar energy, leading to rising sea levels, increased temperatures, and the threat of extinction for many animal species. Additionally, natural disasters such as tsunamis, storms, and floods are becoming more frequent and severe, while the melting of ice caps is exacerbating the problem

The economic consequences of climate change are also significant, with reduced agricultural yields, worker productivity, and industrial production. Addressing this urgent problem requires an out of the box approach to implement sustainable practices, drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and quick transition to renewable energy sources to mitigate the impact of climate change that will safeguard the planet for future generations.

Toxic substances & gases, such as carbon dioxide & methane, are burnt and released into the environment by industries.

Methane and carbon dioxide directly impact the planet's temperature by absorbing solar energy

Global warming threatens extinction, rising seas, temperature, catastrophes, and lower productivity

Entry of Voluntary Carbon Markets

This innovative initiative allows anyone, from oil and gas corporations to local truck companies and even private individuals, to offset their carbon emissions.

But how does the VCM work? Developers of projects that result in the avoidance, decrease, or removal of carbon emissions can apply to private entities, called standards, to certify their project and prove the amount of carbon emissions avoided, decreased, or removed. Upon certification, the developer can obtain voluntary carbon credits (or "VCCs"), with each one of blockchain credits representing one ton of CO2 emission reduction.

These VCCs are then stored in a personalized account in a registry owned or retained by the standard that certified the project. The developer can either retire the credits, i.e., annul them to claim the reductions they represent, or sell them to another entity owning an account at the registry. However, VCCs issued by a given standard and stored in a registry managed or retained by this standard cannot be transferred to a registry of a different standard.

The Voluntary Carbon Market is Expected to Grow Significantly

 $320 million in 2019 to a projected value of $5 billion to $30 billion by 2030

However, the lack of standardization and transparency in carbon credit tracking, verifiability, accounting, and reporting has created concerns regarding the quality of carbon assets in these markets. Issues such as double counting and fraud have also raised questions about the effectiveness of traditional MRV methods.

In addition, the market is highly fragmented, with a lack of standardization in tracking and reporting carbon credits. This presents a major challenge for businesses and individuals looking to access these markets to reduce their carbon footprint.

Challenges Faced by VCMs

Insufficient governance

  • No governance body for the voluntary carbon market.
    • Standards, which set criteria for project certification, are private entities.
      • Each standard has its own eligibility criteria and registry access rules.

        lacks standardization

        • VCCs are named differently by different standards.
          • No unified definition or legal classification of VCCs across the European Union.


            • Lack of governance and unified standards makes it difficult to verify the quality of carbon credits.
              • Carbon credits cannot be compared easily as each standard has its own qualification criteria for offset projects.

                Our Solution DeCARB 


                • Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)


                  • Coal gasification
                    • Ethanol production
                      • Fertilizer manufacturing
                        • Natural gas processing
                          • Refinery hydrogen production
                            • Coal-fired power generation

                              How it Helps

                              • Eliminate current higher fees
                                • Businesses would sell their carbon credits through
                                  • the DeCARB platform and receive additional benefits
                                    • Operation earnings
                                      • off chain = $10 per tonne
                                      • on chain = $15 per tonne.


                                    DeCarb team does not oversee the process, but the government does.

                                    Organizations can sign up on the platform and submit proposals to sell carbon credits.

                                    A proposal will be developed for a set amount of time, say two hours.

                                    Voting on the proposal requires VDCO2 tokens, and members vote to determine if the proposal is genuine.

                                    Only a deposit is made to the DeCarb platform, and DCO2 tokens are produced for governance.

                                    To make a proposition, the cost of the carbon credit needs to be paid, for example, 20% of $100, which is $20.

                                    The proposal must receive 99.5% of the vote to be approved.

                                    After approval, $100 will be transferred from the DeCarb pool to the specific user, and participants may wager their tokens for multiplication benefits.

                                    The multiplication benefits depend on the staked tokens, and rewards are frequently given in percentages, for example, 2x, 3x, or 5x multiplier pay-outs for a stake of 20 USD.

                                    DeCARB is a form of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that leverages blockchain technology to help industries reduce carbon emissions. The platform allows businesses in industries such as coal gasification, ethanol production, fertilizer manufacturing, natural gas processing, refinery hydrogen production, and coal-fired power generation to sell their carbon credits while receiving additional benefits.

                                    Benefits of DeCARB

                                    DeCARB offers lower fees for businesses to sell their carbon credits compared to current rates. The platform operates both on-chain and off-chain, with operation earnings off-chain at $10 per tonne and on-chain at $15 per tonne.

                                    The DeCARB team does not oversee the process; instead, the government oversees the entire process. This means that the platform is decentralized and transparent.

                                    Organizations can easily sign up on the DeCARB platform and submit proposals to sell carbon credits.

                                    To make a proposition, the cost of the carbon credit needs to be paid, which eliminates the need for large upfront costs. For example, if the cost of the carbon credit is $100, and someone wants to stake 20% of it for two hours, they must spend $20 only to make a proposition.

                                    Only a deposit is made to the DeCARB platform, and DCO2 tokens are produced for governance. This means that the platform is based on blockchain technology.

                                    Voting on the proposal requires VDCO2 tokens, and members of the organization that develop proposals vote to determine if the proposal is genuine. The proposal must receive 99.5% of the vote to be approved.

                                    After approval, $100 will be transferred from the DeCARB pool to the specific user, and participants may wager their tokens for multiplication benefits. This means that payments are made quickly and efficiently.

                                    DeCARB platform provides a transparent and efficient way for businesses to participate in carbon trading while reducing their carbon footprint

                                    The multiplication benefits depend on the staked tokens, and rewards are frequently given in percentages, for example, 2x, 3x, or 5x multiplier pay-outs for a stake of 20 USD. This creates an incentive for organizations to reduce their carbon emissions and sell their carbon credits through the DeCARB platform. The platform provides a transparent and efficient way for businesses to participate in carbon trading while reducing their carbon footprint

                                    DeCARB and the Future

                                    DeCARB's future vision is to lead the charge in reducing carbon emissions and inspiring other organizations to join the effort. By leveraging the power of blockchain technology and the principles of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), DeCARB aims to create a transparent and trustworthy platform for the sale of blockchain carbon credits.

                                    In the future, DeCARB hopes to expand its reach beyond the initial industries it serves, such as coal gasification, ethanol production, and natural gas processing. The platform aims to attract more businesses from various industries and provide them with the opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint while earning additional benefits.

                                    DeCARB envisions a future where businesses recognize the importance of reducing their impact on the environment and embrace the principles of a DAO. By participating in the platform, businesses can not only sell their carbon credits at fair market value but also contribute to the larger goal of reducing global carbon emissions by participating in this carbon neutral blockchain process.

                                    DeCARB's vision is not limited to simply reducing carbon emissions. The platform hopes to inspire other organizations to participate in the effort to extract carbon from the atmosphere and contribute to the larger goal of reversing climate change.

                                    Ultimately, DeCARB aims to be a catalyst for positive change in the world, promoting sustainability, transparency, and trust. By creating a platform that leverages the latest technology and fosters collaboration, DeCARB hopes to inspire other organizations to join the movement towards a more sustainable future.

                                    DeCARB is a promising solution to reduce carbon emissions in industries. It leverages carbon neutral blockchain technology and a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) to create a transparent and efficient platform for carbon trading. By eliminating the current higher fees businesses have to pay to sell their carbon credits, DeCARB provides a cost-effective solution for organizations to reduce their carbon footprint. The government's oversight of the entire process ensures that the platform operates in a secure and ethical manner. The DeCARB platform provides a win-win situation for businesses, the environment, and society as a whole.

                                    Like What You See?

                                    Join the DeCARB movement and be part of a sustainable future. With our carbon neutral blockchain technology and decentralized autonomous organization, we provide an affordable and ethical platform for carbon trading. Reduce your carbon footprint while benefiting society and the environment.

                                    Take action now for a brighter tomorrow.